NEWS • 12 October 2015

An Insight into Life as a Web Designer

Ever wondered what a Web Designer gets up to every day? Whether you’re a client, a student or just a web enthusiast – let me give you a deeper insight into our daily life.​..

A 20-minute bike ride takes me to work every day or, alternatively​ and perhaps surprisingly​, I enjoy being a tube ​commuter whilst​ listening to my favorite tune​s. As soon as I get to my desk I check if any urgent email​s​ need dealing with. ​If there’s nothing that needs immediate attention, I typically spend the first hour of the day​ ​browsing different ​sources of inspiration on the web such as blogs and CSS galleries​. ​These often showcase talented designers​ and the latest trends in web design. I​ find this is a good opportunity to​ share my opinions, clear my doubts and ​generate new and creative ideas.​ ​​It’s important to remember that anything that is useful for me ​may also be​ useful​ for my team​. I ​store all interesting and relevant resources​ using Pocket​ – a great system​ for archiving and organising bookmarks and essentially acts as a warehouse ​for our creative inspiration.

Before long I will usually catch up with one of the Project Managers about what we have on that day. ​​A big incentive ​to come​ into work at TWK every morning is the office atmosphere. We ​are a close-knit team who ​act collaboratively and strategic​ally​, ​meaning we always have a clear ​plan of what need​s​ to​ be​ work​ed​ on during the day​ and ​what the priorities are for different tasks depending on ​client ​deadlines.​ 

Boredom is never a worry for a web designer​!

I ​personally ​love ​the variety​ of clients and sectors we work with. ​As a designer, ​​you have to be ready ​for your imagination​ and creativity to​ lead you, as you never know what the next ​task will be.​ From Venture Capital companies to private schools and universities – the whole team loves getting stuck into a wide range ​of projects. We feel this variety directly benefits ​our clients and, as a web designer, our team’s UI and UX knowledge is certainly stronger than ever as a result of working on such a diverse selection of projects.

​From my experience as a web designer at TWK, I have learnt that there are ​2 ​key factors ​in ​producing g​reat design work​ – Information and ​Communication.


​I need to ​​be sure the project manager provides me​ with​ all the information I need before starting ​a design proposal. As Cameron Moll says:

What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional.

That’s why I need to know​ as much as possible about the client and ​their needs.​ Building a website for a business can be a challenging endeavo​u​r. A functional website must reflect the company​’s​ ethos and​ for me to be able to achieve this​ I ​have to g​ain a clear ​understanding​ of the​ir​ ​brand, their ​target audience​ and their competitors amongst several other aspects.​ Luckily, at TWK we have an experienced team of project managers who are ​experts at gathering this information from our clients and relaying it back to the design team in a structured, purposeful way. 


​Once myself and the design team feel a design is ready for feedback, ​I ​meet with the project manager​ to ascertain whether they feel it has met the brief. The design may then need slight revisions or additions before​ the PM​ then meets with the client. ​For the ​PM to present my work in the best light, it is essential that they understand every ​decision​ I​ have ​made regard​ing the ​user interface, user experience​, navigation and so on​.​ The relationship between web designer and project manager is key to producing an excellent website, therefore we make a concerted effort to build and maintain an open dialog throughout ​every project​ to ensure the best possible result​.

Another benefit of working at TWK is ​having regular opportunit​ies to receive ​critical and constructive feedback ​on my design work from colleagues​ and clients​. ​Of course it​ is important to optimize ​your​ time as the ​process ​can become long and daunting, however it is a key process to go through both for the project itself and for my progression and improvement as a web designer.

New interactive tools help us designers to ​present our work to ​the Project Manager and t​hen to the​​ client. ​Here at TWK we use ​Invision​ –​ a flexible ​online space for ​us to simulate navigation and ​user ​interaction​s​ ​within the website​s ​we design.


​As a busy web design agency in central London, TWK​ is growing fast ​and this means ​we ​often have young people joining us for ​design ​internships ​and work experience. ​​​I enjoy getting involved and​ help​ing​ them ​by sharing my experience​, suggest​ing​ design ​and functionalit​y improvements and generally helping them integrate into the team and get into the swing of life as a web designer!​

Last minute cat​c​h​-​up​s​ after work ​are a common part of our week​ and i​t’​s never to​o​ late for hanging out ​and enjoying a team beer ​in one of the​ local pub​s​ –​ one of the many perks of working at a web design agency in central London​​!

​Oh, and not to forget ​the most important da​i​ly task​ – making te​a​ for the team​. Although I have to say​,​ as​ an​ Italian​​ ​I would gladly replace it with a cup of coffee​ any day!

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