Reasons to upgrade to WordPress 3.8
Moving on up to WordPress 3.8: What will you find?
On December 12th 2013 WordPress released version 3.8 of its highly popular open-source content management system, code-named “Parker” in honor of the bebop innovator Charlie Parker. Below, you’ll find highlighted some of the most noticeable changes to this already well-regarded platform.
New Look:
With WordPress 3.8 you’ll find a completely updated administration interface. This new design is much clearer, bigger and bolder than WordPress’ previous versions which, while being easy on the eye for general users, has the added benefit of being far friendlier for those using touch-screen devices.
Furthermore, the new design boasts improved typography and contrast to ensure legibility isn’t degraded and navigation is much more pleasant.
Improved Theme Management and “Twenty-Fourteen”:
The keystone of any website that uses WordPress is its theme. WordPress 3.8 has improved the theme management interface; allowing you to easily examine all your stored themes, as well as introducing “Twenty-Fourteen”, its new standard theme available to any user. “Twenty-Fourteen” is a magazine-based theme that allows you to display featured content on your homepage as well as making your website look modern and stylish.
A Better Widget Experience:
Lastly, widget management has been overhauled to make using widgets a much less complicated process. Building upon the new 3.8 layout, the widget screen is much more streamlined and accessible, allowing users to easily switch and manage the widgets used on their website or websites.