
Peppersmith is an established mints brand that is actually good for you and your teeth. Our early vision was for a high-impact site that truly represented the brand. The website also includes a full e-commerce web shop.


What we did

Design, Development, E-commerce, CMS


“Wow! Is this the same company? What a tremendous difference! I am very impressed with the website and am struggling to find fault with it.It is extremely professional, easy to navigate around and very informative. The way it is written is engaging and makes you want to read more. I think the scope of information is wide and interesting and I like that it is focusing strongly on the promotion of healthy teeth which is the main purpose of the product without the damaging sweeteners.”

Website visitor, Peppersmith

May I say that I am most impressed with your new website, extremely easy to read and digest (much like your mints!!)

Website visitor, Peppersmith